Hi everyone,
So last Monday I wrote about self fulfilling prophecies and the Manic Monday Blue's.
I always seem to have a crazy Monday not too sure why but after the crazy Monday I had last week I decided to evaluate myself and figure out why this Manic Monday Blue's keeps recurring for me every Monday.
So what I believe I have been doing is called self fulfilling prophecy, this is where you think or wish things into existence.
Kind of like, "If you build it... They will come". Our minds are very strong more than we believe to give the mind credit for.
I'm not sure if you have every watch the "Secret", but it tells you have to make things happen in your life with the power of your mind, putting those energies out in the world to see a positive return.
Check it out it could change the way you look and think about the things that are going on in your life.
So anyway back to the Manic Monday Blue's... According to the Secret, I need to stop saying the Monday Manic Blue's because I am putting that out in the atmosphere and causing Monday's to be manic and have chaos for me.
So this Monday I woke up, and I told myself it was a normal day.... I kept thinking in my head it is just like a Saturday when everything is mellow and things will go smooth.
It seems to be a different Monday just by starting there... Today has been very positive for me, and I will continue to think positive... I believe in the powers of the mind and this Monday it seemed to work well with me, I just need to continue to put those positive energies our there and my Monday's will be the greatest day for me ever.
Hi Tosha,
ReplyDeleteYou got that right! One of my daughters gave me a gook titled, "Worldwords: Global reflections to awaken the spirit." It gives you a reading for every day of the year. It begins by giving you a word of the day which is from another culture, the word's pronunciation and the meaning. Then it offers a short elaboration on the significance of this word, with a final "mantra" for the word. I find these readings inspire me every day.
Today's reading is:
"November 23
ts'aa' (ts'-aah')Navajo
Basket whose design reflects the beginning of the world.
Women of the Navajo, Paiute, and Ute tribes have for many centuries gathered sumac strips and dyed them with mountain mahogany roots and juniper ashes to create circular containers of exquisite beauty. Their uses are many. They can be holders of ritual paraphernalia such as rattles and medicine bundles, serve as a food plate in certain ceremonials, or even become a drum when turned upside down and beaten with a yucca drumstick. The soft intricate patterns of the ts'aa' symbolize the emergence of the people from the underworld, their sacred mountains, the dawn, clouds, rainbows, and the sun's life giving rays. Such a generous cosmology reminds you that life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved. Try to break out of believing you know so much. Let go of your current plan. Empty yourself, like a bowl or a basket, and welcome possibility. You can move from breakdown to breakthrough only by spending more time with what you don't know. Guide yourself to experiencing new things in the old, and old in the new. The chaos both within and outside you will clear and a new meaning and purpose will become evident" (Cerva, 1999).
"When I really look, artistry inspires" (Cerva, 1999).
I will be sure to post Monday's for you!
Thank you!! That was very interesting:) I look forward to reading the next one for Monday Nov, 29.