Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Global Verge Wednesday!!!

Hey everyone!! I told you if you build it...... It will come!

So, I have some exciting things that I would like to share with anyone who would like to listen.

Tell me if this sounds familiar.....

I have been working for over the last several years... Some jobs I liked... and some jobs I DON'T.
My income has fluctrated over the last few years never ever has it ever been consistent or stable.
The jobs that I have in past, I thought I could make a career out of them but found out either one: there's no room to grow or two: I'm not friends with the big  I've been living from paycheck to paycheck, and if I was to lose my source of income, and unless I had another job lined up, I could potentially lose everything that I have.

So I was talking to a friend about this fear that I have if I was to lose my job "What would I do", "How would I feed my family, pay my bills, and keep my lively hood".  What she said to me next has started  a journey that is begining to change my life for the best.   

She told me about a company called Global Verge.  I was thinking ...Oh no not another get rich quick scheme, where you ended up investing all this money and all you end up with is an empty wallet and a key chain.  My friend was like "No!! You know me I don't fall for anything easy... I have been doing this for six months, and the results have been exciting, and I'm barely even trying".

I told her ok whatever, I'll do some research, and I'll get back to you.  She gave me the website and  I took it home.  I let it sit for a few more days, then my kid got sick and I had no money to take him to the doctor.  I looked at the card she gave me and logged on to the site..... I was amazed!!   

If that sounded familiar to you and you life check out the this website.

Then go to my website and take a look around

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