Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reflection Sunday's

Today is Sunday the end of the week... As I sit here I think to myself what did I do in the past six days.  I'm a very busy woman a single mom with two kids.  I seem some how to fit a profile or a stereo type amongst many other human beings. I start my Monday rushing getting my kids up, leaving the house, not even having time to grab a bite. I get on a busy freeway and all I see is accidents, cars honking, and everyone rushing just like me. 
I drop my children off to school kiss them goodbye and just for a second I'm able to breath right before I get back in the chaos of all the busy people with their coffees, iced cappuccinos, and their teas.
 I get to work, I say hi to everyone and they all seem to have these fake smiles as if nothing has gone wrong today or even at all, for that matter.  I smile back just as they do and begin to work. 
The first thing I do is make a call to another person just like me and try to tell them life is going to be ok, and that I can help them if they allow me too.   The fact that  I believe that, and they believe it as well...
Just for that moment I make another human being like me forget about the morning rush, not having a job to pay their bills, or having a fight with their significant other.  Every person who I talk to in an eight hour period, I work really hard to seize those little moments.  Once I leave the workplace I then go back out into the world of the busy I  pick up my children and head back home just the same  when I first woke up.  
This goes on for me day after day five days out of the week Saturday is my children's day where I can be a big kid and forget about the busy around me.  Sunday is my reflection day, and this is what I reflected on today.

1 comment:

  1. Tosha,
    First off, Thanks for the comment! IT really made me feel better about putting my stuff out there.
    Your post was very intriguing. Your a great person and though i dont have kids, i understand everything your saying. ( I do have 6 dogs if that counts) Sounds like you have your life pointed in the right direction. It takes a little bit of rain to get a rainbow, So In the end it will all be worth it. Your children are so lucky and i bet they either are or will be proud of you and what you accomplished.
