Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reflection Sunday's

Today is Sunday the end of the week... As I sit here I think to myself what did I do in the past six days.  I'm a very busy woman a single mom with two kids.  I seem some how to fit a profile or a stereo type amongst many other human beings. I start my Monday rushing getting my kids up, leaving the house, not even having time to grab a bite. I get on a busy freeway and all I see is accidents, cars honking, and everyone rushing just like me. 
I drop my children off to school kiss them goodbye and just for a second I'm able to breath right before I get back in the chaos of all the busy people with their coffees, iced cappuccinos, and their teas.
 I get to work, I say hi to everyone and they all seem to have these fake smiles as if nothing has gone wrong today or even at all, for that matter.  I smile back just as they do and begin to work. 
The first thing I do is make a call to another person just like me and try to tell them life is going to be ok, and that I can help them if they allow me too.   The fact that  I believe that, and they believe it as well...
Just for that moment I make another human being like me forget about the morning rush, not having a job to pay their bills, or having a fight with their significant other.  Every person who I talk to in an eight hour period, I work really hard to seize those little moments.  Once I leave the workplace I then go back out into the world of the busy I  pick up my children and head back home just the same  when I first woke up.  
This goes on for me day after day five days out of the week Saturday is my children's day where I can be a big kid and forget about the busy around me.  Sunday is my reflection day, and this is what I reflected on today.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Food for thouhgt

It's Friday Food for Thought.......

Like a morning dream, life becomes more and more bright the longer we live, and the reason of everything appears more clear.
Jean Paul Richter

This food for thought is so true... As we become older things that we did as children  or as teenagers or even as young adults seem to be so dumb. 
We ask ourselves why did we do that, and then we laugh about it.
We are able to sit back evaluate ourselves and learn from that we did then and move on forward with our life and not make the same mistake.
... However, dealing with new ones that pop as we continue going through life.